Panamanian Sancocho Soup Recipe

Sanchocho is a hearty soup with yuca and chicken that comes from Panama. There are many variations of it out there, but our Mysterious Chef is giving the classic Panamanian dish a new twist. Follow the recipe below to make it at home for a warm fall dinner.

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How to carve a Pumpkin

It’s that time of the year again when everyone is on a hunt for the best pumpkins and costumes for their Haloween parties. Although people get excited and buy their pumpkins as soon as October starts, waiting is probably the right thing to do and here is why: Most pumpkins will be rotten beyond recovery after a week and a half to two weeks. With this in mind, buy your pumpkin about a week or less before Halloween and buy it from a pumpkin patch if possible. 

Halloween is just around the corner and it is time for us to learn the fun skill that is pumpkin carving. 

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Veggie Pop Corn Recipe

Take movie night to a whole new level with this extraordinary popcorn recipe. A fan of veggies? Today, vegetables can be used to make anything you like, even popcorn. And that is precisely what we want to share with you today. The Mysterious Chef knows how to keep his audience on edge. So he presented this incredibly delicious popcorn recipe that anyone can make.

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Picanha Bourguignon Recipe

The Mysterious Chef enjoys cooking meat and does so whenever he has the opportunity. This recipe is ideal for him and for those who love preparing a large piece of meat in a unique way that makes the guests hanker after more. 

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